Tuesday 24 April 2012

A Little Inspiration

A little inspiration for your Tuesday!

       I can't quite remember where I ran across this idea - I was either on StumbleUpon or Pinterest, but I think they may have originated here. I thought they were a great idea and just had to make my own!

     You can use any sort of jar or container you like - I've seen people use fish bowls, old wine glasses, candle holders, mason jars, or just some old bowls or cups you don't mind using; the possibilities are endless! You can decorate them any way you like - I've seen painted ones with feathers and designs, some with pictures taped on the front, or just simple words written with marker, what ever makes you happy. Just use what ever you have around the house, or you can go out and get some supplies, it just depends on how much you are willing to spend. I had some old ribbons and jars, I just bought some scrap booking letter stickers that stuck right to the front of the jars. For the inside you can use marbles, pebbles, rocks, or glass stones like I've used (they are very inexpensive). In mine, I have 100 stones all together, one for each pound I need to loose. There are 80 black stones for 1 pound lost, 19 green stones for every 5 pounds lost, and for my final 100 pound stone I have a golden heart, just to make it a little special. I already have 5 stones in my lost jar!!

     I keep the jars in my living room, mostly because that is where I spend most of my time. Every time I'm craving something or think I need food, I just look at those jars and it reminds me of what my goal is - and reminds me that I don't really need that food I'm craving - I need to lose weight to add more stones to my lost jar. They have been working so far!

     Do any of you have things that keep you motivated? I'd love to hear about them!! I hope you all are doing well and continue to reach for your goals!!

♥ Lots of LOVE ♥
